
How do you really feel when you have fulfilled your dream and reached right to the top of the ladder? May be contented or really proud of yourself. At the author reading of my seventeenth and final book, I might have been the most unsatisfied and confused person present at that book store. A record of seventeen successful books in a row, that too at the age of 28, was truly an unbelievable achievement. But the excitement I had when I completed my first book was no longer present. The author readings have been the only thing that connected me to the real world and made me feel loved. It was my last book and my last reading, but definitely not the end of my passion as I had other things in mind. It was in Paris and as we had expected, it was a full house.

I stretched back in my chair and started reading, “That was the moment I saw her. I start my story from this moment because all the years I have lived before meeting her aren’t really worthy of mentioning compared to the memories, the life, we had together.”

It went on for hours straight and this time, no one were in a mood to stop listening. It became the only reading in which I read 50 pages straight, without a break. Readers (Well, technically listeners) were with me all the way through the journey of bliss. They laughed with me during the insults my characters took in the books, they cried with me during the tragedies my characters faced, they stayed with me during the troubles my characters struggled to overcome and on the whole, they did ride with me during all my emotions and lived my entire life with me.

“Folks, that’s enough reading for today. So, what do you think about it?”

“We all have already read the book Arya, we loved it!” said a funny looking teen with a mustache.

“But you do know why we come here, right? You never answer that question!”

“I didn’t answer many questions. But today’s different. I have already published my last book, so I don’t want to hide anything anymore.”

“Are you single?” asked a hefty guy at the back, who kind of looked like a typical couch potato.

“I would’ve preferred to have asked this question by a girl, but the answer is yes, I am!”

“Were you always?”

“Yeah, kind of. I like to be alone.”

“But your writings don’t suggest so! You either are a man in love or the one who got hurt really bad by someone you loved!”

“You know what, everything in life need not be related to love. Most of the beautiful things have nothing to do with having a girl friend.”

“But, we don’t see any of your writings without a love story, at least for a part of it.”

“Well, that’s because people love love stories. A magician performs tricks and illusions, because audience love to get fooled. It doesn’t mean that the magician himself believes in magic!”

“You once said that most of your writings are inspired by the people around you. Isn’t there any story of yours that you wanted to tell always?”

“Actually, I have one. This is not a story, but about a person. This is a short one, which is why I haven’t mentioned it in my writings, but now I feel everyone should know about her.

After 22 years in India, I moved to USA to pursue my higher education. One day, I was feeling lonelier than ever. Till then, 6 months passed away in the new city. Everyone, including me, have started taking my new life for granted. The homesickness, which almost shattered me at the beginning of the semester was no longer there. I was in the phase in which we don’t think that we miss anything anymore, until a nostalgic moment strikes. Our true happiness is tested in the times of distress. Though it sounds silly, it is true! I have made a lot of friends in those six months, but no one to give the necessary emotional support. It was as though I was living among the group of bots, who care about winning the race but not about the feelings. That day, my emotions hit rock bottom, when I started missing home more than ever and had no one to even talk about it. All it took to get back my strength is the memories of an irresistible, extravagantly beautiful personality of my best mate and my soul friend- Aditi.

When you see her for the first time, you sure would be mesmerized by her stunningly flowing hair, which sways like the gentle flapping of wings of the angel. Her little eyes compliment the long eyebrows. Da Vinci had a theory about symmetry and how a symmetry can take your mind into a state of captivation. Her alluring beauty is complimented by that perfectness in her face. Just when you think that nothing can ever outshine this, her smile proves you wrong. Being a photo maniac, she always tries to find herself a perfect click, in vain. Because, little does she know that it is impossible to capture the bliss and aura that she carries.”

“Mr. Arya, sorry to interrupt, but is this another one of your typical love stories? Nostalgia, sadness, memories, explaining the beauty of a girl. I think we all know where this is going!”

“Well, that’s where you are absolutely mistaken. This is what people see in her. They feel lucky to have known such a beautiful girl. But in reality, they are the most unlucky people on earth, because they never got to see the pristine personality of a Queen, hiding behind that mask of an angel. Do you know what makes a girl, the Queen? It is not about the power or the wealth. It is the ability to make people around her smile, even when she herself is in unbearable pain. There were multiple incidents she shared with me. She once faced rejection and betrayal at the same time and lost her best friend and her love in a single stroke. It tears down anybody, it tore her and yet she smiled. Her favorite teacher passed away before she got to say what she wanted to say. She put up a brave face. She lost the person she loved the most- her granny. She cried, but hid her tears when with others. Why doesn’t tragedies shatter her? Well, they do, but she preferred not to be like a glass that breaks. She was like a diamond. Internally, sadness hit her, reflected and kept hit her hard like a ray of light does to a diamond. But then, she shined!

It was not easy. I came to know how hard it was for her, dealing with multiple things at once. She wanted a shoulder to cry on, but she didn’t ask for one. Because eventually, shoulders stoop and people walk away. It’s not that they don’t love you. But they outgrow the sadness. You alone would know the intensity of your undiminishing pain. Only the person who understands the pain can drive it away- only you yourself can drive it away. Her attitude taught me this. All these things passed my thoughts that day and from then onwards, I never longed for emotional support from outside. I welcomed it, but never wished for it.

There is another interesting thing about us. We had a lot in common. We shared the love for food, photos, humanity, strength, ethics, responsibilities, family, friends and the list goes on. We were soul friends. She inspired in many other things too. The way she sees the world was just amazing. We all live in the same world, but for her eyes, it was more beautiful. That is a gift! Seeing the moon and wondering about the way science of reflection works is a talent. Seeing the same moon and feeling the magic of beauty is an art. Special thing about her is that, she sees the moon, understands the science behind it and yet manages to feel the magic. That is a blessing! She sees the hatred in the world, yet strives to drive it away with love. That, my friends is the nature of a Queen!”

“Wow, where is she now?”

“Do you know that there are dreams and then there is passion? Dreams get fulfilled, like her dream of getting into an IIM did. But passion is a constant chase, which is why she left her job at Morgan Stanley and is now chasing her passion at NIFT. Out of the things I was inspired by her, this is one of it.”

“So, is this why you are quitting writing?”

“Writing was my dream, it got fulfilled. Now, I plan to chase my passion, to spend the rest of my life in Somalia, helping the natives fight the hunger and inspire them with my words.”

There were many questions and some interesting answers, but till date, I remember my last work as an author as describing the most amazing personality I have ever known.